
kactoos-jvm / nnl.rocks.kactoos / Input


@FunctionalInterface interface Input


Here is for example how Input can be used in order to read the content of a text file:

String content = new TextOf(
  new InputOf(new File("/tmp/names.txt"))

Here nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.InputOf implements Input and behaves like one, providing read-only access to the encapsulated java.io.File.

There is no thread-safety guarantee.

See Also


Since 0.1


Name Summary
stream abstract fun stream(): InputStream
Get read access to it.


Name Summary
CheckedInput class CheckedInput<E> : Input
Input that throws exception of specified type.
DeadInput class DeadInput : Input
Input with no data.
GzipInput class GzipInput : Input
Input that reads compressed data from the GZIP file format.
HeadInput class HeadInput : Input
Input that only shows the first N bytes of the original input.
InputOf class InputOf : Input
An Input that encapsulates other sources of data.
InputWithFallback class InputWithFallback : Input
Input that returns an alternative input if the main one throws IOException.
Joined class Joined : Input
Concatenation of several inputs.
LoggingInput class LoggingInput : Input
Logged input.
ResourceOf class ResourceOf : Input
Classpath resource.
StdinInput class StdinInput : Input
Input that reads from stdin.
StickyInput class StickyInput : Input
Input that reads only once.
SyncInput class SyncInput : Input
Thread-safe Input.
TailInput class TailInput : Input
Input showing only last N bytes of the stream.
TeeInput class TeeInput : Input
Input to Output copying pipe.
UncheckedInput class UncheckedInput : Input
Input that doesn’t throw checked Exception.
Zip class Zip : Input
Zip files and directory.